Inspired by the release of my newest movie, ‘Junebug,’ I’ve curated a 4-week online course for connecting with your inner child, co-facilitated by mindfulness teacher Jessica Amos and amazing guest artists.


This is a guided 4-week journey to help you reconnect with your inner truth… and the little You you never had a chance to be.

What You’ll Learn:

  • Healing Your Inner Child teaches adequacy, enoughness and self-love. Explore your inner world with curiosity, learn to listen to yourself, and explore authentic self-expression through creativity and joyful action.

  • Using Compassionate Awareness, you will be gently (and playfully) led through mindful practices and heart-centered teachings to help facilitate connection with yourself and invite the rejected parts of yourself back into your heart, mind, and body.

  • You will learn to connect with parts of yourself that need healing by offering yourself the love, care, and attention you didn’t receive as a child.


… you feel ready to try something new and learn about connecting with your inner child

… you love Hallmark movies and are inspired by the journey Juniper Jones took to find her creative fire again

… you want to liberate yourself from creative blocks by going to the root cause of the stagnation so you can move forward

… you desire to make your way back home to yourself

… you crave a community of heart-centered souls and seekers committed to healing their inner wounds so they can find greater joy and genuine service in the world

… you seek a place where you feel FREE to be your authentic self!


‘Junebug’ is a fun and inspiring story about Juniper (Autumn) who magically reconnects with the 8-year-old version of herself (nicknamed ‘Junebug’) who turns her grown-up life upside down by questioning all her life choices and playfully demanding that she begin to SHINE her inner light more brightly! And this is what we intend to bring into your life, too! (Well, minus the imaginary friend:)


This Inner Child Workshop is a guided 4-week journey…

  • You’ll get access to: our online classroom, welcome packet, journal prompts, Spotify playlist and private community discussion board.

  • Weekly content includes: four recorded Zoom calls, reflective prompts for diving deeper into your heart and suggested practices to bring you more alive to yourself through inner child healing.

  • Somatic work by four incredible guest teachers to bring the teachings deeper into the body so the transformation can anchor itself into the physical world.


  • Many of us at a young age were conditioned to abandon and reject ourselves as a way to earn a sense of love and belonging. This caused us to fragment and split off from our most authentic, and joyful selves. By doing Inner Child work, you are consciously choosing to heal and put an end to suffering and self-abandonment.

    • Guest Teacher: Kristi Salerno – joyful somatic movement

  • It’s important to go slowly and approach yourself with love during this work, because the aspects of yourselves that have been most rejected or gone into hiding, can often be timid and require lots of trust-building, which you will learn to do in this week.

    •  Guest Teacher: Cristallina Fischetti – Art Therapy

  • Once you have reforged a connection with your inner child, you can now listen to what they have to say. Sitting with your inner child as you acknowledge any pain, anger, hurt, sadness, and loss they are feeling is a chance to practice being a Loving Presence for yourself. This is enormously trust-building and essential before moving deeper into this work.

    • Guest Teacher: Noel Elie – Alchemizing anger

  • Your inner child is hungry to play and delight in life. Now that you are reconnected with the lost parts of yourself, and have built a loving and safe inner environment, it’s time for you to invite your inner child out to play! We can’t think of a better way to celebrate this wonderful reunion than with a bit of fun and lighthearted enjoyment of this beautiful connection you now have.

    • Guest Teacher: Luna Chi – Music, movement... & "dress up"!

  • This is an optional add-on to the workshop for anyone who wants to learn more about the making of Junebug and do deeper with Autumn about her creative process and everything she's alchemized on her path of healing her own Inner Child, and becoming whole.



    If you’ve never done inner child work before, feel intimidated by the idea, or don’t know where to start, this course is for you. The best place to start is at the beginning so that’s exactly where we’ll start. 


    If you’ve done inner child work before but haven’t made it a consistent practice, this course will definitely help you carve out time to grow more connected to your inner child.


    You have likely established a strong connection with your inner child, but you want to infuse your inner self-connection with new ideas, practices, and conversations. This course will do just that.

Autumn Reeser — Host & Facilitator

Autumn is an actress known for her deft ability to weave comedy and drama in a way that touches and connects the heart & soul. Part of her life’s mission has become to connect the stories she tells on screen back to the audience in a more meaningful way, to use these moments as jumping-off points to invite people into deeper work within their own psyches. She is in service to the liberation of humanity through walking the Way of Love. Her many years walking through the shadow realms, followed by studying healing modalities and sacred practices, have prepared her to support others in their processes of spiritual awakening. She studied depth psychology at Pacifica and is a 1:1 mentor for those ready to cross the threshold into their own true becoming.

Jessica Amos — Lead Expert Teacher

Jessica Amos is a certified mindfulness meditation teacher, and your lead expert teacher throughout this 4-week course. She’s the founder of Stay with Yourself — a wellness company that helps you curate your personal healing & growth journey through high-value courses, coaching, and community membership. With over 1.2 million students worldwide, Jessica’s teaching-style is conversational and off-the-cuff, like you are connecting intimately with a safe and trustworthy friend. What sets Jessica’s teachings apart is her ability to provide down-to-earth guidance on otherwise difficult subjects such as Shadow Work, Inner Child Healing, Relationship Endings, Boundaries, and more! You can learn more about how to work with Jessica at


  • 4 recorded community calls w/ Autumn + Jessica

  • Weekly suggested practices

  • Guest teachers in alchemical movement & art

  • 4 weeks of self-care and loving guidance

  • Reflective prompts for journaling + creative expression

  • Inspirational Quotes (one for each week)

  • Master Workbook for the entire workshop

  • Bonus Q&A with Autumn about her movie Junebug 


Get the recorded version of the entire workshop



    Guest Artist
    (Week 1)

    Kristi Salerno is a healer & somatic counselor who has spent a lifetime in the arts and has worked as a movement coach with the best of the best in Hollywood. Part of Kristi’s mission is to assist in awakening the sacred intelligence of the body though helping people heal their relationship with their own bodies. She is also a passionate singer/songwriter bringing in divine messages through music— stay tuned for her EP launching later this year!


    Guest Artist
    (Week 2)

    Cristallina is a London-based abstract artist, medium and healer, known for her vibrant channeled works of art. She draws upon her indigenous Colombian Quichua and Sicilian heritage to lean into her Shamanic birth-right and conduct her life in accordance with the principles of Paolo Coelho, the teachings of Joseph Campbell and the psychology of Carl Jung. She offers powerful 1:1 sessions that assist in connecting you with Divine Light and clearing any distortions in your field.


    Guest Artist
    (Week 3)

    Noel is on a sacred mission to disrupt societal norms by audaciously liberating souls to live their most authentic version of themselves. A versatile talent in both the worlds of entertainment and spiritual wellness, Noel blends compelling storytelling and revered teachings on shadow work & sacred sexuality, conveyed through her unique elixir of creativity, humor, joy and spiritual insight. Oh, and memes. Definitely memes.


    Guest Artist
    (Week 4)

    Luna is an alchemist, creative facilitator, musician, teacher of sacred dance and all-around celestial lion who is here to remind you of your power. Inspired through her own journey of healing and navigating the shadow realms, she now playfully guides global workshops, ceremonies, seminars and retreats around the world that focus on mental health awareness and artistic expansion.



  • tangible, action-based

  • daily self-care

  • joy-filled, fulfilling

  • heart-connected, creative

  • mentally and physically supportive

  • spiritually and emotionally connecting

  • focused on community support + sharing