Remembering American Mall
Hi, guys! I was going through my iPhoto library, and thought I would share some personal photos of a musical film I did a couple years ago, ‘The American Mall’. If you haven’t seen it, it’s very cute. Nina Dobrev (Vampire Diaries) plays the adorable female lead, and I play her evil nemesis, Madison, a mall heiress with dreams of superstardom. Mollee Grey, who’s currently on ‘So You Think You Can Dance’, as well as Neil, Gev, and Thayne from previous seasons, all dance up a storm in this film. We all had soooo much fun singing and dancing our butts off in a mall in the middle of snowy Utah. These are all behind-the-scenes or rehearsal shots from the shoot, some taken by me, but most taken by others. Enjoy!
Rob Mayes & I ham it up for a ‘photo shoot’ within the film…
Rob Mayes, Wade Allain-Marcus, David Baum, and Neil Haskell show us their guns
The fierce ladies of ‘Survivor’ rock it out on a Valentine’s Day shoot
The ever-adorable Breasha Webb, Nina Dobrev, and Bianca Collins relax in between takes
Like my red lipstick?
The Ladies of ‘Mall’ in the rehearsal studio
Being a California girl, I had no idea that you had to scrape ice off a windshield, and even less of an idea of how I was supposed to do that!
A behind-the-scenes shot of the kids rockin it out in the music shop
How much do you love my sparkly shoes here??? I did, too—until I had to stand up in them—painful!!
David, Neil & Wade with our director, Shawn Ku
Neil practicing…
Blythe Auffarth with two incredible & statuesque dancers from Utah