A Nursery Tale...

The first step in Project Nursery was to get some color up on the walls (thanks, Dad!)!! I knew exactly what I wanted—the color from the ‘family friendly modern’ clipping on my inspiration board—sort of a grey-blue meets sea-green. We found the color at Sherwin-Williams—it’s called Dewy, and I’m still obsessed. 

I love that it doesn’t hit you over the head with ‘little boy’, and it just creates a nice soft backdrop for all the color I’m about to layer onto this room!

E! came to help us paint (what? how cool is that? oh, and look at my belly!!), so we threw a mini-gathering for a handful of friends to come and help paint and eat and hang out.

The lovely Leslie did all the food—she went with a twist on comfort food, and you better believe we promptly devoured all of that delicious mac & cheese, even after it got cold!

Good girlfriends. An amazing and necessary source of support!!!

More nursery details are on their way tomorrow!



A Nursery Tale...


A Nursery Tale...