Ten Months Old...
Dear Finn,
My bubbly blondie baby….
My almost-one-year-old little boy…
I already miss you. I already miss your ridiculously chubby cheeks. Your finger adamantly pointing at something you deem of utmost importance. Your deliberate way of communicating by using only the sound “BA.” Your slow and messy discovery of food and how to convince it to somehow get into your mouth.There are, of course, a few things I won’t miss. Your painful habit of biting my nose or cheek or arm. The bout of croup followed immediately by a double ear infection this week. Sleep training.
But I know that I will blink and you will be a toddler. Then in school. Then off to your prom. And then out of our home, the home where we spent years dreaming of you and preparing for you… That is the sweet tragedy of being a mother: everyday you move further away from me. And I want you to, I’m raising you to be a curious, adventurous, engaged human being.
But, baby… I already miss you.